Saturday, December 28, 2013

skin care tips for flawless skin

I just copy and paste this article from inet for our own information and practice.


1. DETERMINE YOUR SKIN TYPE.  Is it oily, dry, normal, or combination of either? In order to do this, wash your face, let it dry and leave your face completely untouched for an hour. Inspect by dabbing a tissue between your nose and cheek, called the T-zone:
  • Normal skin shows neither oil nor flaking skin. It should feel supple and smooth. If you have it, consider yourself lucky!
  • Oily skin is characterized by the grease on the tissue. It is also common for a person with oily skin to have large pores and a bit of a shine.
  • Dry skin may feel taut or show flakes of dead skin. It is associated with small pores. Moisturizing is important for this skin type.
  • Combination skin is most common. It exhibits traits of all three of the above skin types. Usually, the skin is oily in the T-zone and normal to dry elsewhere.
2.. Invest in a cleanser, toner, moisturizer and facial scrub suited to your skin type. (If you're young there's no need for a facial scrub.) You might have to test out a couple of brands before you find the perfect one. Talk to an associate at a make up or skin care counter. You will be able to test different formulas. They may even offer samples so you can try a product out for a day or two.
  • Try to get cleanser, toner, and moisturizer that is non-comedogenic. This just means that it won't clog your pores, leading to pimples.
  • If you have a bad case of acne or any other skin problem like eczema, see a dermatologist. They will give you the specific treatment you need. It's likely that any medication you get from a dermatologist will be prescription strength, too, meaning it will be stronger.
3. Buy an SPF 15+ sunscreen for daily use. Try for a facial sunscreen with no fragrance or oil. Sunscreen will help block harmful UV-A and UV-B rays that can lead to skin damage and cancers.

  • Many moisturizers these days have sunscreen built into them. Experiment with different moisturizers to see if the sunscreen works well and the moisturizer keeps your face hydrated.
4. Use your face wash every day. You will not see a difference if you only use it once a week. Use your scrub, which lifts off dead layers of skin, only every few days as to avoid scrubbing off too much skin.
  • Do not use a washcloth, loofah or any other abrasive material to wash your face. Washing with your hands is perfectly acceptable, and will lower the irritation you might otherwise get with an abrasive material.
  • Wash once in the morning and once at night. This is especially important if you have very oily skin, or numerous pimples.
  • Moisturize after every wash. Washing your face with a facial cleanser sucks all the natural oils from your face. Clear, beautiful skin is hydrated skin.
5. Wash off your makeup. Before going to bed remember to take off any makeup you put on. Washing your face may do the trick, but some makeup may require makeup remover.
  • Don't be lazy about taking off makeup. If you're prone to leaving your makeup on or forgetting to wash your face, invest in some wipes and keep them close to your bed. That way, all you need to do is swipe your face when you're dead tired.
6. Eat properly. A great menu is a balanced menu. Remember the food pyramid? Eat fruits and vegetables. Nutritionists recommend eating 3 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables daily. Avoid foods with caffeine and sugar, as well as greasy foods and red meat.

7. Drink plenty of fluids. Try to drink 8 glasses of fluids, preferably water, every day! Avoid sugary soft drinks, caffeine and coffee. Green/herbal tea is rich in antioxidants, which protect cells in your body from damage.

8. Exercise. Exercising helps you metabolize. A walk with your dog or some yoga lessons do make a difference! Healthy skin is just another part of a healthy body.
  • Exercising is also good for relieving stress. Studies show[1] that there's a link between how stressed you are and how bad your acne is. So if you're super-stressed all the time, try your favorite form of exercise to get rid of it pronto.

9. Sleep. Make sure you get your 8 hours every night, perhaps a bit more if you are a teenager. Being well rested gives your body more energy to go about its daily routine, and leaves you feeling even better. Flawless skin doesn't have big dark circles.
  • Do this every day, and you will soon begin to see the results.
  • Continue to give your skin and body the attention it needs and you can expect to see gorgeous, glowing skin as well as a healthy new you!
  • Stop smoking. It will give you wrinkles and age spots much earlier in life.
  • Use tea tree oil for pimples, as it is antibacterial and also suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Try to avoid harsh formulas as they can damage skin over time. If you have combination skin look for something specifically for combination skin and avoid treatments for very oily or very dry. Do not use too much makeup or your pores could get blocked.
  • Olive oil is great substitute for makeup remover. It's also good for your skin. It may be an option if you are sensitive to certain chemicals. Olive oil is absorbed by the pores, so it doesn't cause breakouts. However, other oils will clog pores.
  • It's important to keep skin clean and healthy during the summer so remember to maintain a good amount of sunscreen each and every day and re-apply for extra protection. SPF 50 is a high ran

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